Wednesday 23 October 2013

Train thoughts

So, a while ago i set up Myself in a quest of searching for happiness. Today im sitting on the underground train on my way to work. My third day at new job. It takes me about 90 minutes to get there and another 90 to get home, plus 9 hours of work including lunch. That makes up 12 hours straight. I need about 8 hours sleep, thats already 20. 1 hour takes me to get ready for work, so there is 3 hours of the day left for all other remaining things such as evening bath, preparing and eating food, shopping, doing all things I like or I would like doing. Thats in theory, but after getting up at 6.30am and coming home about 7.30pm, resting, having some food, showering, checking social media, sometimes shopping its already time for bed. So where is the time for myself? 
I really dislike this model of life.
About the job: its ok. Nice people, nice atmosphere, can be busy and demanding, sometimes stresful, but workmates make things easier, in contradiction from my previous work.
Do i like it? ... Yes and no. I know the subject. I spent my last 6 years working in the same industry, loving and hating it. But, I studied art, and now i work as a logistick. And naturally I greately miss freedom.
I dont want to spend most of my life at work or travelling to and from it. If it at least was job of my life. Or if it was paid well. But its not.
Its ok.
I'm giving myself 3months max to make up my mind.

So today I look around to find anything that would make me feel more happy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can you believe I am still in this job? hehe :) but tomorrow is my LAST DAY! I'm off travelling with my dog!! jup jup! around the Europe for a month! and blog about it and making documentary ! ;)